Examination Report - Final February 2023

Summary and Overall Recommendation

As the Independent Examiner into the Tredington Neighbourhood Plan, I have been requested by Stratford on Avon District Council, in its capacity as the Local Planning Authority, to present my professional assessment of the Plan, in terms of its compliance with the ‘Basic Conditions’ as set out in extant legislation, regulations and guidance.

I confirm that I am independent of the Qualifying Body, namely the Tredington Parish Council and the Local Planning Authority. Furthermore, I do not have any interest in any land or property that may be affected by the Plan.
I hold relevant professional qualifications and have experience of the planning regime, gained over the past 30 years in both the public and private sectors, to enable an independent judgement of the documents before me. I am also a member of the National Panel of Independent Examiners Referral Service, endorsed at the time of convening by HMGov Department of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

I have undertaken a thorough examination of the Tredington Neighbourhood Plan. This has comprised a review of all documents presented to me by the Local Planning Authority, a review of documents available for public review on the Parish website and documents relating to the Development Plan held on the Council’s website plus national guidance, regulations and statute.

It is my considered opinion that, with modification, the said Plan meets the Basic Conditions and human rights requirement, as set out in the respective legislation and guidance. I have highlighted where I consider modifications are required and indicated the nature of those changes. These have been set out in bold throughout my Report and are presented to complement the style of the overall document.

Hence, with modifications, I consider that the Tredington Neighbourhood Plan will: have regard to national policies and advice contained in current legislations and guidance; contribute to the achievement of sustainable development; be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the development plan for the area; not breach, but be compatible with European Union obligations and the European Convention of Human Rights; and not likely have a significant effect on a European Site or a European Offshore Marine Site either alone or in combination with other plans or projects.

I consider that the Neighbourhood Plan complies with the legal requirements set out in Paragraph 8(1) and 8(2) of Schedule 4B to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended, and can proceed to a Referendum.
I have no concerns over the defined Plan area or the manner of its confirmation and consider that this area is appropriate as the extent of any Referendum.
Finally, I refer to a number of abbreviations throughout my Report and for the avoidance of any confusion these are set out in Appendix B.

Dr Louise Brooke-Smith, OBE, FRICS, MRTPI,
January 2023

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File Name: Tredington NDP Examination Report - Final February 2023.pdf
Last Updated Date: 11-Mar-2023