The Plan

Tredington Parish Neighbourhood Plan

The Referendum version of the Plan is now available on the following pages.  It sets out policies on planning matters across the Parish, which have been developed through informal consultation during the past four years.  The Plan has been subjected to a broad consultation process and an examination by an independent examiner.   It now faces a final check by the District Council before going forward to a referendum.

The referendum will be organised by Stratford-on-Avon District Council and the outcome will be judged on a “first past the post” basis.  We expect that the referendum will take place in June and it is important that all residents take part.

The results of the referendum and the final copy of the Plan has to be formally accepted at a District Council meeting and it is that that point the Plan is considered to be “made”

Once the Plan is “made”, the District and Parish Council have a statutory obligation to consult the Plan when considering planning applications within the Parish.  It is crucial that you participate in the upcoming referendum.