Update June 2022

The Submission Version (14) of the Plan is now available on the following pages.  It sets out policies on planning matters across the Parish, which have been developed through informal consultation during the past four years.  The Plan has undergone the first formal consultation (Reg 14) and comments have been incorporated into the document.  Th actual comments received and the Steering Group’s responses are contained in the Consultation Statement.

The Plan and its supporting documents will be submitted to Stratford-on-Avon District Council in early July 2022.  Once a further consultation, managed by the District Council, has been completed, the Plan will be passed to a Planning Inspector for approval.  The final stage is a referendum of all residents in the Parish before the Plan is finally approved. Once the Plan is approved, the District Council have a statutory obligation to consult the Plan when considering planning applications within the Parish.  It is, therefore, crucial that you participate the referendum once it is called.