Update July 2021

Stratford District Council (SDC) has undertaken an informal review of our Plan over the last two months. Their comments and observations have been extremely helpful and we are incorporating them into the document.

The Plan will not be recommending any sites for possible development because residents did not give the Steering Committee the authority to do so.

However, the District Council's proposed Reserve Housing Allocation sites in Tredington and Newbold remain in place as part of the developing Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA). We had hoped that two of the proposed sites would be designated as Local Green Spaces, but they do not meet the strict definition criteria. Of importance, is that the Plan is recommending a Built Up Area Boundary for Newbold and Tredington; the first time that such a limit on development will be put in place.

Once the Plan is amended, the new version will be placed on the web site.

A further review by SDC will be undertaken before the Formal Consultation phase, which will involve several public meetings. More information to follow.