Work on the Neighbourhood Plan continues, although progress is severely constrained by the current Covid restrictions. Consultants are preparing the final versions of their reports on Local Green Spaces and Potential Development Sites. While the reports generally agree with the Neighbourhood Plan Group’s position, we need to talk to the District Council planners to try to resolve differences where they occur.
We also need to ensure that residents’ views on these reports are reflected in the Plan so we will have to find some way to canvass opinion; it may well be a public meeting, once present restrictions ease. In the meantime, members of the Group are trying to move the project forward and, Covid permitting, we hope to have a draft ready in the Spring.
Stratford District Council (SDC) has published its Site Allocations Plan, Preferred Options. Consultation ended on 18th December 2020. In Newbold, the District Council has removed the proposed Reserve Housing site at the end of Herons Way but left in the sites in the field next to the Village hall and the Ormond Lodge site towards the north end of the village. The Parish Council has responded by rejecting the proposed site next to the Village Hall but accepting Ormond Lodge. In Tredington, the Parish Council has requested that the site South of Blackwell Road be moved to the field next to the School. We now await the District Council’s deliberations and revisions as a result of the consultation. However, we are in the District Council’s lowest priority in terms of selecting sites for development.
We all hope the New Year will see a more rapid development in the Plan and the start of consultations with Parish residents.
If you want to be involved please contact Councillor John Gimblett: