Following the recommendations of our independent planning consultants, and the clearly expressed views of residents, the Clerk to Tredington Parish Council has written to the landowners of sites that the Neighbourhood Plan group considers appropriate to be designated as Local Green Spaces. The landowners have been invited to respond within 21 days.
Local Green Spaces must be approved by both the Independent Examiner, the District Council and, of course, residents who will be consulted further when circumstances permit.
Meanwhile AECOM, the independent planning consultants appointed by Locality, the organisation set up by Government to promote Neighbourhood Plans, continues to consider potential sites for possible future development. AECOM consultants are well aware of where the two Local Service Villages, Newbold-on-Stour and Tredington, stand in relation to the District Council's development strategy. Development already far exceeds the strategy up to 2031.
We expect AECOM's report before year end.
Stratford District Council (SDC) has published its Site Allocation Plan, Preferred Options, for consultation. Consultation ends on 18th December 2020. The document can be viewed on the SDC website here: and you are encouraged to have a look and make comment if you wish.
If you want to be involved please contact Nigel Willis: